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Rarity Bound Within Choice - Gemstone Settings

Diamond's most attractive feature is its sparkling characteristic. Even its colorless simplicity makes it stand apart from other hued gemstones in the world. Actually, they say that color is the most important criteria to affect saleability. However Tiffany and Co return to tiffany heart tag charm gold jewelry , diamonds defy this to a great extent!

Its scintillating brilliance makes it the most popular choice for women to symbolize their love relation. Every lady would suppose her man to read her mind that after all Tiffany and Co keys floral key pendant jewelry , it's a diamond ring that is desired for lifetime. Therefore, to bring the perfect ring to flaunt to her friends Tiffany and Co pearls by the yard necklace jewelry , you should know few common settings.

It preferred good to be informed of the personal choices displayed by your jeweler. Be it Tiffany or a leading brand like Angara, a pre-requisite working vocab always helps.

* Bezel setting. With a bezel-setting, the gemstone always looks massive in size. This setting makes the rim hold the stone wholly with straight Tiffany and Co band ring in platinum jewelry , linear edges, scalloped edges or any desired molded shape.

A bezel set ring can have both closed or open back. Nicks and chips are prevented on the girdle of the stone, protecting from all sides completely.

Usage of yellow gold bezel set makes stones like ruby an intense, fiery one. Similarly, an emerald, can display its vibrancy magnificently in yellow gold rim.

* Prong setting. A commonly seen setting in rings. A prong set diamond can be seen in infinite variety. Buyers choose from four-prong, six prong, and distinct styles such as Belcher, Fishtail, and six-prong Tiffany.

Moreover, prongs are found pointed, rounded, flat, or v-shaped. Factually, more number of prongs protects the gem and makes it appear big.

Nevertheless, it can create an opposite effect for a small sized diamond.

* Gypsy setting. This setting comprises of stone set completely inside the metal setting. Metal at the top of the ring is heavier than the shank.

* Illusion setting. This particular setting, solely, is responsible to make the stone appear big. There are several styles to choose from within this.

* Channel setting. Wedding bands sport this kind of stone setting the most. Extensively used set with no metal continue completely around the ring, giving a complete continuous look.

* Bar setting. A close resemblance of channel setting Tiffany and Co Sets Atlas Silver bracelet , bar setting incorporates a combination of both classic and contemporary. Normally found in a circular fashion rather than prongs. Each stone is fashioned by a long thin bar, shared between two stones.

Gemstone Jewelry, Gemstone Earrings and Gemstone Pendants at angara

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